Electrical Design Engineer (Midd/SR) Bucharest Area in Bucuresti

Job Description Antal International, on behalf of their client, a Romanian systems integrator company for complex projects in refrigeration and electrical domains, is looking for: Electrical Design Engineer (Midd/SR) Bucharest Area As an Electrical Design Engineer, you will have a central role in the design stages of the automation & control of electrical panels. How you’ll spend your day Analyze the technical requirements from the specifications, clarify and define the design/engineering objectives, optimize the technical solution, elaborate technical specifications, estimate costs Engineering and Design: establish the optimal solution, choose the components/equipment suitable for the adopted solution, create the design documentation, contribute to the technical clarifications Interface with our Production department and follow up on the execution of our products Follow the standards and procedures related to the activity carried out (design, engineering, etc.) Work together with our software specialist for the PLC architecture designed for the control’s solutions Work together with our sales team to provide key input for new projects and solutions Your requirements and qualifications Bachelor/Master Degree in Electrical/Automation Engineering 3+ years of experience as an Electrical design engineer Expertise in using Eplan (or similar) electrical design tools Very good knowledge of norms and standards related to LV Electrical Design Good understanding of process instrumentation Good understanding of process control diagrams Basic understanding of Industrial Communication Protocols Proficient in MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook) and office equipment Good time management skills Oral and written fluency in English and Romanian High level of integrity and a strong work ethic Other Under direct coordination of the Projects business Unit manager The job requires working from the office at least 4 days/week. Office location: Bucharest area (Afumati, Ilfov) – transport provided by company resources Suntem bucuroși să luăm în considerare cererile de la toți candidații care au abilitățile necesare pentru rolurile la care aplică. Putem răspunde doar celor mai potriviți candidati, timpul estimat de răspuns fiind de 4 (patru) săptămâni. Restul CV-urilor vor fi stocate în baza noastră internațională de date și pot fi folosite pentru alte oportunități viitoare. Prin aplicarea la acest job acordați companiei Antal România, biroul din Iași consimțământul scris și permisiunea deplină de a păstra CV -ul în sistemele Antal și de a-l trimite clienților Antal în vederea evaluării ca și candidat pentru pozițiile disponibile în organizațiilor acestora. Informațiile dumneavoastră personale vor fi tratate în conformitate cu legislația în vigoare privind prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal și politicii de confidențialitate Antal (). Vă rugăm să aveți în vedere că în anunțurile noastre putem folosi aproximări ale nivelului salarial. Mulțumim! We are pleased to consider applications from all candidates who have the necessary skills for the roles they are applying for. We can only respond to the most suitable candidates, with an estimated response time of 4 (four) weeks. The remaining CVs will be stored in our international database and may be used for other future opportunities. By applying for this job, you grant Antal Romania, Iasi office, written consent and full permission to keep your CV in Antal systems and to send it to Antal’s clients for evaluation as a candidate for positions available in their organizations. Your personal information will be treated in accordance with applicable laws regarding the processing of personal data and Antal's privacy policy () Please note that in our career ads, we may use salary level approximations. Thank you! Check Your Resume for Match Upload your resume and our tool will compare it to the requirements for this job like recruiters do.


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