D. Toeback Automotive

Înregistrat la 23 November 2022

Departamente: Auto / Echipamente, Electro-Mecanic, Mecanica, Personal calificat Industrie companie: Auto
Locație principală: eindhoven, Olanda, Străinătate Website: Vizibl dupa aplicare!
Telefon: Vizibl dupa aplicare! Formă colaborare in anunţuri: Angajat

Joburi D. Toeback Automotive

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Despre companie

As a recruitment agency, we specialize solely in auto body repair professionals and mechanics. Dennis Toeback has been working in the auto repair industry for over 25 years and assesses each candidate's skills before accepting them onto the team. We strive to provide the best possible service to our candidates, such as good accommodation, team building activities, good service, and we do our best to place each team member in the workplace that is most convenient for them. Our goal is to make sure our professionals are happy to be a part of our team!


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