Forensic Psychiatrist, Dublin, Ireland in Irlanda

Salary: €214113 - €257193 per annum

Job description
Are you a Forensic Psychiatrist looking for an opportunity in Ireland?

We are looking for a Forensic Psychiatrist to work for a great client in Portrane.
This is for 37 hours per week and the salary ranges from EUR214,000 to EUR257,000

Medical Degree
Eligible or registered with the IMC under the Specialist Registration in Forensic Psychiatry
Experience in Forensic Psychiatry

To Apply:
Please send your CV mentioning reference M-32 at
Tel.: +44 20 8144 2822
Contact person: Vitaly Pryadka

Despre companie

Suntem specializați în consultanță HR, aprovizionarea cu profesioniști din domeniul sănătății pe posturi permanente și la nivel de contract pe tot globul


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