Înregistrat la 10 November 2022

Departamente: Administrativ / Logistică, Import - export, Vânzări, Shipping Industrie companie: Transport / Logistică
Locație principală: CONSTANŢA, Judetul Constanta, Romania Website: Vizibl dupa aplicare!
Telefon: Vizibl dupa aplicare! Formă colaborare in anunţuri: Angajat


Momentan nu exista joburi active de la CONSOLLINE S.R.L.

Despre companie

CONSOLLINE is a logistics company that specializes in LCL, LTL and AIR freight services. Our head office is located in Ukraine with branches in Poland, Romania and Moldova. We have worked productively to improve and adapt the new ways of realization of import-export operations for our clients and partners. During the last 6 month, we managed to open 3 offices in Europe, expanded our LCL service from 6 direct ports to 39, organized our in-house handling in WAW airport and started providing weekly LTL service from Warsaw to Kyiv.


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