Esphere Network

Înregistrat la 03 April 2024 (inactiva)

Departamente: Distributie, IT Hardware Industrie companie: Comerţ / Retail
Locație principală: Berlin, Germania, Străinătate Website: Vizibl dupa aplicare!
Telefon: Vizibl dupa aplicare! Formă colaborare in anunţuri: Angajat , Persoană fizică autorizată

Joburi Esphere Network

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Despre companie

Esphere Network is a supplier of pre-owned high-end network hardware to large enterprises, ISPs, and Telcos. Founded in 2011, we are a young and enthusiastic sales organization, expanding rapidly. We specialize in selling used/refurbished network products to customers across Europe, with our own stock, market access, and extensive contacts with end-users giving customers immediate access to almost all items from the manufacturers they work with.


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