Cloud DevOps Engineer in Bucuresti

Responsibilities We are looking for an enthusiastic Cloud DevOps Engineer that will be responsible for developing and running a wide variety of consumable services on AWS that are highly automated, secure and compliant by design. The ideal candidate would have experience in automation and software engineering, as well as a very good understanding of the underlying components such as server operating systems, databases, network components, etc. Qualifications and Experience •Hands-on experience working in AWS (mandatory), Microsoft Azure, Yandex.•Hands-on experience with AWS EKS or Kubernetes & Helm•Packaging / building Docker containers with Java, Python and NodeJS•Terraform IAS deployments•Terraform module development•Experience working with CI/CD tools to build and deploy applications. Conceptual understanding of modern software engineering patterns, including those used in highly scalable, distributed, and resilient systems•Gitlab•Shell scripting (Python, Bash)•Open and extensible continuous delivery solution for Kubernetes: Flux•A solid understanding of advanced patterns like Blue/Green deployments, Canary testing, and A/B testing is a plus.•Experience developing microservices-based architectures, including distributed messaging patterns is a plus•Experience working with AWS Lambda would be a huge plus but not mandatory•Experience in engineering data pipelines using Big Data technologies such as Spark, Kafka, Storm, etc. on large scale unstructured data sets•Experience working with RESTful APIs and web services•Database for modern apps MongoDB Atlas•Cloud-scale monitoring (Datadog)


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