DBA SQL Server in Bucuresti

888Sparkware is looking for a highly motivated Applicative DBA with exceptional knowledge in design, implementation, and performance tuning that ready to work with highly available OLTP systems (SQL Server).  As a DBA, you will need to: Research and evaluate alternative solutions to resolve issues and recommend the most cost-effective solutions. Lead or participate in the design and implementation of large, complex database solutions. Do Monitoring and Performance tuning 24x7 production support (production incidents) Work closely with the application development team to ensure successful deployment and performance of database applications. Maintain appropriate level system documentation. This job is for you only if you have: Strong troubleshooting and analytical skills Strong knowledge of T-SQL/SQL Infrastructure At least 3 years of experience with SQL Server (2014+) Experience in designing, implementing, tuning, and maintaining SQL Server for highly available OLTP systems. Experience in performance tuning with high data volumes (VLDB) Ability to work effectively with clients (Developer/QA/Integration teams) Ability to work independently in a fast-paced environment with frequent production releases. Ability to set and deliver on priorities and deal with a degree of ambiguity Excellent interpersonal skills.


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