DevOps Engineer [5.000 - 7.500 RON] in Ploieşti

Salary 5.000 - 7.500 RON net per month Requirements:- We are looking for a driven DevOps Engineer to manage and automate the deployment process for our suite of software applications. Suitable candidates will be very proactive and a deep knowledge of automation tools and best practises. RESPONSIBILITIES •Automating the deployment process for deploying code to Test, UAT and other environments •Monitoring environments for performance issues and upgrading infrastructure as required •Implementing disaster recovery plans and building out redundancy solutions •Participating in the Agile development methodology, including stand-ups and other Agile ceremonies as needed •Running the Production release process e.g. being involved in cherry picking fixes, deploying, rolling back code and SQL changes, etc •Taking ownership of SQL Server database backups, monitoring and validating backups on a regular basis •Deploying and monitoring background jobs •Tightening up access controls on Production and other environments Responsibilities:- You must be able to work remotely every day for 8 hoursHave the know-how to lead the team with my helpTechnologies:- .NET Framework- SQL- MySQL- API- AngularMore: We have been in business for a few years, working with large companies that deliver great products. I am looking for someone with who I can work with hand in hand to scale the business.


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