Internship Software Developer in Sibiu

Are you passionate in developing Software Applications? Are you passionate about automotive products? If the answer is yes, then this job is for you. Job responsibilities To support the development of embedded software in interdisciplinary project teams at international level; To regularly report the status of development to your mentor/supervisor; To cooperate with your local team members and our international development teams Qualifications Student at an University in a relevant field (Computer Science, Electronics and Communication, Informatics); Good programming skills with C, C++ and C#; Good communications skills, team oriented person, fast learning capabilities; English language skills at a proficiency level. What we offer Integration Program in a professional & dynamic team; Travel Opportunities - we know that you are missing this, so, let's hope that vaccination helps and we win our mobility back; We know that sports and reading books help us in our development, so, these are part also from our benefits; Work with passion and we will reward you accordingly …and because money isn't everything, you will find happy and supportive colleagues;


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