Locksmith in Sibiu

This is what you will do: As an locksmiths in the final assembly department at Retrasib, you will be responsible for final montage of the transformer. The work includes executing necessary devices within the company for self-equipment and repairs to tools and devices. Performs metal scaffolding for tightening magnetic cores for medium power transformers. Mounts small and medium power transformer tanks. Performs mechanical works in electrical stations or in factory. What you bring with you: We are looking for someone who is technically skilled and handy. This may be evident from your technical training, work experience or leisure activities. In addition, you are a person who can work with concentration and accuracy on 2 shifts. This is you: Eager to learn Calm Precise Responsible This is what you get: At RETRASIB, you will have responsible work with plenty of opportunities to develop yourself. We also have a good benefits package: fixed salary, performance monthly bonus, food tickets, public transport paied by the company, Easter bonus, Christmas bonus, holiday bonus. Are you enthusiastic? If you have any questions based on this vacancy, be sure to contact us. This can be done via Doru Nicula on 0722395623 or send an email to doru.nicula@sgb-smit.group. You can apply very simply and quickly via our website. Clicking the orange 'Apply now' button will take you to our application form.


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