Nurse specialist, Norway in Norvegia

We are looking for:
General nurses
Intensive care nurses
Nurse anaesthetist
Surgical/scrub nurses
Psychiatric nurses
Oncology nurses

Professional requirements:
European authorisation as a nurse (minimum bachelor’s degree)
If specialised – European certification for the specialty
Basic computer competence
You are independent but work well in a team
You work well under pressure and can handle a broad variety of patients
A clean police record

You have a genuine passion for your job
You are very interested in moving to Scandinavia with your family to work
You have a humble approach to new experiences, but you are also ready to take on new responsibilities to fulfil projects
You are able to work in a team where all members, no matter what professional background, are equally important
You are able to handle stressful situations – emigration is a big, but rewarding step
You are aware of your responsibilities and know your limits
You have the ability to prioritise your tasks
You see solutions and not problems

We offer:
Professional headhunters who will support you during the whole process
A big network acquired through 17 years of experience
Free language course, done through online portals with a private tutor
Information customised to your needs
Flexible and fair terms
Help with travel, accommodation, schools, kindergartens, etc.

To Apply:
Please send your CV mentioning reference DM-260 at
Tel.: +44 20 8144 2822
Contact person: Vitaly Pryadka

Despre companie

Suntem specializați în consultanță HR, aprovizionarea cu profesioniști din domeniul sănătății pe posturi permanente și la nivel de contract pe tot globul


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