Remote iOS Developer in Constanţa

RxSwift (nice to have) Objective-C (nice to have) iOS (advanced) UIKit (advanced) iOS SDK (advanced) Swift (advanced) We are absolutely fine with remote work.And yet, if you’re willing to join us and work from the Copenhagen office, we have a relocation package and many additional perks ready for you (for example trips to Copenhagen every now and then)!With 14 experienced iOS developers (and many more across Android, Web and Backend) in the engineering department, there is a tremendous amount of accumulated experience.We have a strong belief that the best user experience can only be achieved using native technologies from Apple. We fully embrace the Swift programming language, follow the Swift Evolution closely, and take advantage of any new features we can see providing value.Our modular architecture has so far resulted in more than 50 swift packages that can be combined to create highly customisable sports betting apps (we use Swift Package Manager for dependency management).Moreover, we use many exciting technologies including Reactive Programming with the framework ReactiveKit.


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