Senior Java Developer [9.000 - 13.000 RON] in Ploieşti

Salary 9.000 - 13.000 RON net per month Requirements:- Key Responsibilities:•Gather and evaluate user requirements in collaboration with team members and project leaders.• Responsible of application development and customization in accordance with functional and technical specifications.•Design graphic user interface elements, voice recognition, augmented reality and virtual reality.•Identify and troubleshoot the problems of the software platforms.•Conduct layout adjustments based on user feedback.•Adhere to company brand identity (style standards of fonts, colors and images).•Pro-actively seeks for solutions and come with proposals to improve and optimize.Responsibilities:- For our client, a provider of integrated supply chain solutions for tracking and managing production, logistics and distribution.Technologies:- Java EE- MySQL- Spring Boot- Eclipse- AngularMore: Nothing is impossible. Every person has its place. Our role is to bring them together, with dedication and responsibility. Through expertise and concrete tools, we make sure that we. will find the right one for you. And we are doing so by personally knowing the candidates and the companies, evaluating them thoroughly and then searching what fits them best.


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