Senior Python Developer in Bucuresti

WORKITNOW is a dynamic software development company based in Poland, which has been making a real impact on the market since 2018. We deliver highly qualified professionals on time, thanks to a careful recruitment process and an extensive database of IT professionals. RESPONSIBILITIES: Architect and deploy scalable, cloud-native applications using Python with AWS infrastructure. Integrate various services into cloud applications, including databases, data storage, and queues. Build efficient and resilient backend functions that meet functional requirements. Work actively with an international development team, which requires strong communication skills. Perform unit and integration testing to ensure code reliability and performance. Perform thorough code reviews to maintain a high quality code base. Write comprehensive technical documentation for future reference. Take a proactive approach to identifying and resolving technical challenges, with a commitment to continuous improvement. REQUIREMENTS: Minimum of 5+ years experience Advanced knowledge of frameworks such as Django/Flask Have a deep understanding of multi-process architecture and the constraints of threading in Python. Familiarity with methodologies, tools and databases such as MySQL, GitLab, Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD), MS Azure and Docker. Fluency in English at B2+/C1 level. Strong communication skills, as demonstrated by working effectively within a team and mentoring junior developers. Experience in software development processes using CI/CD tools. WHAT WE CAN OFFER: Long-term and reliable partnerships. Work under a B2B contract. Maintain an open relationship based on trust and fair play. Access co-funded benefits including Medicover, Multisport and a training package. Flexibility to work fully remote.


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