Specialist Gynaecology, Denmark in Danemarca

You will work in a well-equipped hospital department in Denmark’s public healthcare sector. The gynaecology department is in a rapid development, with great responsiveness to new ideas.  The department receives women for planned and acute gynaecological reasons. As it is in cooperation with a university, training new specialist is also a key activity as well as taking part in research carried out at the hospital.

Apply now if you are:
Specialised in Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Experienced in Gynaecological Oncology or Endocrinology or IVF
Motivated for living and working abroad
Able to take part in our free intensive online language course
Proficient in spoken and written English

What can you expect? 
Permanent contract
€ 113'000 minimum yearly salary (including pension benefits)
37 hour working week
6 weeks paid holiday
Free intensive online language course for you and suitably for your family
Monthly € 1000 settlement assistance during the course
A free trip to Denmark prior to the language course, where you will have the opportunity to visit your future workplace and living area
Support in integration, in authorisation and administrative processes, in finding kindergarten, school, flat, house
Relocation assistance and spouse employment assistance
And much more

To apply:
Please send your CV and Cover Letter to info@phd-jobs.net mentioning reference code ML-44
Contact person: Vitaly Pryadka 
Tel.: +44 20 8144 2822
Web: https://www.phd-jobs.net

Despre companie

Suntem specializați în consultanță HR, aprovizionarea cu profesioniști din domeniul sănătății pe posturi permanente și la nivel de contract pe tot globul


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