
Înregistrat la 14 October 2019

Departamente: Publicitate, IT Software, Marketing Industrie companie: Publicitate / Marketing / PR
Locație principală: Helsinki, Finlanda, Străinătate Website: Vizibl dupa aplicare!
Telefon: Vizibl dupa aplicare! Formă colaborare in anunţuri: Angajat , Companie

Joburi BrandBastion

Momentan nu exista joburi active de la BrandBastion

Despre companie

BrandBastion transforms the way brands deal with social engagement. Our proprietary technology automates the management of millions of social interactions every day, while maintaining the personal quality of one-on-one conversations. Our technology combining artificial intelligence, machine learning and human expertise runs in the background creating an open and free environment for discussions, offering blazing fast customer responses, escalations, protection from threats and real audience insights 24/7. We help brands to rise above the challenges of complex digital interactions, accurately, at scale and in real-time.


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