Level Off Ltd
Înregistrat la 21 June 2018
Departamente: Arhitectură / Design interior, Construcţii / Instalaţii, Specialişti / Tehnicieni | Industrie companie: Construcţii, Prestări servicii | |
Locație principală: Dunstable, Anglia / Marea Britanie (UK), Străinătate | Website: Vizibl dupa aplicare! | |
Telefon: Vizibl dupa aplicare! | Formă colaborare in anunţuri: Angajat , Persoană fizică autorizată , Companie |
Joburi Level Off Ltd
Despre companie
Leveloff Ltd is a construction company based in Dunstable, Bedfordshire. It was reestablished in 2008 and is a leader in civil construction development. The company carried out refurbishment and maintenance works within the private sector with various developers within London area for a period of two years. We are committed to provide the highest level of professionalism, service response, and quality workmanship. We treat all employees and subcontractors fairly and involve them in the quality improvement process to insure responsiveness and cost effective work execution.
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