Morgan Sol S.R.L.
Înregistrat la 22 November 2018
Departamente: Resurse umane / Psihologie | Industrie companie: Recrutare / HR | |
Locație principală: BUCUREŞTI SECTORUL 5, Bucuresti, Romania | Website: Vizibl dupa aplicare! | |
Telefon: Vizibl dupa aplicare! | Formă colaborare in anunţuri: Companie , Angajat |
Joburi Morgan Sol S.R.L.
Despre companie
About Morgan SOL - Outsourcing human resources activities is a very common management operation for medium and large companies and represents transfer of all work and responsibilities from in-house HR team to specialized firms in keeping payroll and providing recruitment services, usually with the benefit of cost savings and heightened efficiency. Morgan SOL is a limited liability company, with 100% Romanian capital. The company was established in 2007 by Camelia Mortici who, at that time, had over 10 years’ worth of experience in HR management for one of the largest Romanian retailers. We are looking for suitable candidates for our client WALLTER UAB - adresa site:
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